Lockies Wall Art Comp


1- The following terms and conditions relate to the Lockies Wall Art Competition, being held by Henry Loughrans of Trimgate Street, Navan, (the “Company”) from June 2023 to May 2024, exclusively on the authorised spaces in the back pool room area of the premises.

2- By entering this competition, the entrant (the “Artist”) accepts these terms and conditions as set out hereinafter, subject to reasonable change with notification, only up to the beginning of the artist’s work. Further changes after the beginning of work will only be made in extenuating circumstances and in agreement with the artists.

3- The competition is open to over-18s and entrants apply by making themselves known to the organisers; Niall Brennan and Jordan de Jong. With limited space available, the organisers may add further entry criteria for the allocation and determination of spaces if any become available for this year and in anticipation of next year’s growth in interest.

4- There are 29 spaces measuring 85cm wide and 110cm high, with 20cm margins in between. The submitted entry (the “work”) must be produced within the confines of this space. The work can be produced using any material or equipment as long as the wall itself is not damaged or penetrated in a significant way. Some materials (listed later) will be provided and if material can be used by multiple entrants, the organisers will consider purchasing requested materials.

5- Without prejudice to the within terms, the company recognises that the copyright in all works created by the Artist remains with the Artist, however it is a necessary condition of entry, and by so entering, the Artist hereby agrees to grant all necessary rights licences, approvals and authorisations to the company to include, inter alia, the Artist’s work in any footage recorded or captured during the competition / exhibition, including the right to use such images for the promotion of the competition, exhibiting the work publicly, referring to the work on digital platforms in the control of the Company, and for the avoidance of doubt, the Artist hereby grants the company with a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free licence to use and publish such footage or materials obtained or others materials in electronic format for purposes connected solely with the competition. Where further consent is necessary from the Artist, it shall not be unreasonably withheld.

6 – It is the responsibility of the winning artists to declare, if relevant, such winnings as income to their local tax authorities and the winning artists shall be wholly liable for any taxes payable and shall indemnify and hold the Company safe and harmless from all claims relating to such taxes and charges. The Company shall in no circumstances be liable for any taxes payable on such awards.

7 – The artist retains the royalty, licensing, permission and any other rights in relation to the work and any media using the art works for commercial purposes other than for the promotion of the company or competition. Any further use of the digital copy or any other digital or physical copy is at the artist’s discretion and in their complete ownership, to do with as they will. No third party shall be permitted use of the image in the work or of the work at any time, for any purpose other than the promotion of the competition, without the express consent of the artist.

8 – The physical intrinsic properties of the works are entirely the property of the company, Henry Loughrans. The wall itself with all its constituent parts and the paint or other art materials used as well as all physical constituent physical parts of the works belong entirely to the company. The company reserves the right to, as needed, move and remove furniture and equipment that may obscure partially or totally some or all of the artworks. The company undertakes, however, to make every effort whenever possible to remove all obstruction of the artwork and to retain their full finished quality for as long as possible. The company further undertakes to ensure that each work is allowed a fair and equal share of observation by the public by limiting to only the absolute necessary any movement of obstructions.

9 – Destruction. The artist agrees by participation in this event that all works made on the designated walls will be destroyed, smoothed and painted over no sooner than April 16th 2024 and no later than May 27th 2024. The company undertakes to run this competition again in 2024/25 if at all possible.

10 – It is the responsibility of the artist to maintain their safety and avoid hazardous positions and activities wherever possible. Please inform a member of staff or the organisers if you need access to difficult to reach parts of your painting. The scaffolding will not cover every piece uniformly, and one of the places for work is much higher than all the rest. This will necessitate the use of ladders and other platforms of varying heights. We have found that it is exceptionally rare for multiple artists to have the time simultaneously to paint, so there is usually flexibility in how platforms are distributed. However, it will sometimes be the case that everyone wants to paint at once and awkward painting positions may be unequally distributed. This is largely down to the luck of the draw.

11 – To the maximum extent permitted by law, Applicants indemnify and agree to keep indemnified Henry Loughrans at all times from and against any liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses resulting from any act, default or omission of the Applicant and/or a breach of any warranty set forth herein. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Applicants agree to defend, indemnify and hold Henry Loughrans harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from:

(i) any submission, statements or other material uploaded or otherwise provided by Applicant that infringes any copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade dress, patent or other intellectual property right of any person or defames any person or violates their rights of publicity or privacy;

(ii) any misrepresentation made by Applicant in connection with the Competition;

(iii) any non-compliance by Applicant with these Terms and Conditions;

(iv) claims brought by persons or entities other than the parties to these Terms and Conditions arising from or related to Applicant’s involvement with the Competition;

(v) acceptance, possession, misuse or use of any prize or participation in any Art Competition-related activity or participation in the Lockies Wall Art Competition;

(vi) any malfunction or other problem with the website in relation to the entry and participation in the competition by Applicant;

(vii) any error in the collection, processing, or retention of entry or voting information in relation to the entry and participation in the Competition by Applicant and in the voting process by consumers;

or (viii) any typographical or other error in the printing, offering or announcement of any prize or winners in relation to the entry and participation in the Competition by Applicant.

12 – By participating, you represent and warrant that your entry is an original work of authorship, and does not violate any third party’s proprietary or intellectual property rights. If the content of your entry is claimed to constitute an infringement of any proprietary or intellectual proprietary rights of any third party, you shall, at your sole expense, defend or settle against such claims.

13 – It is our position that fair usage of people or icons from pop culture are entirely within the public domain and open to artistic criticism, pastiche or parody. Works containing very well known images, brands, companies or personalities are entirely allowed within this competition, by right of artistic license and commentary.

14 – It is intended that this competition is conducted in a spirit of goodwill and supportive inclusiveness. The organisers shall retain the right to remove any entrant whose actions are deemed totally unacceptable for reasonable and civil people participating in an event meant for fun and creativity. We shall not censor hate and awfulness, but we might exclude it. Be nice to people. By order of the grand dictator.