Lockies Wall Art Comp

Info for Artists

1- The spaces are numbered 1-29, and the numbers 1-15 are more than 1.5 metres off the ground. Spaces will be drawn randomly. The organisers will set out scaffolding and ladders to facilitate whichever artists are present each day for the working of the top layer. This arrangement necessitates a staggered time frame for the period of working (provisional dates below). The top layer will work first. When artists are not present and working, effort will be made to completely cover the work until the artist is ready to continue or until unveiling, though this is dependent on how much drying is needed in any particular instance.

2 – The artist can bring and use their own materials and can safely store any and all implements or materials the artist wishes to retain. It is the artist’s responsibility to clean up their equipment, materials, and any spillage. (we will of course help as much as we can) We ask that artists PLEASE rescue paint brushes by leaving them soaking in water! We also ask that artists use palates and disposable cups to mix and hold paint, limiting the waste and spillage. Please be considerate of each other and the premises and general public.

3 – Proposed dates of note; subject to change.

Sunday 21st of May at 2pm; Workshop & Start: we will ask artists (especially those painting in the first batch) to be present so that we can discuss with the judges and other artists any queries or concerns. Scaffolding will be in place and work can begin from that afternoon at 12:30pm.

Sunday 4th of June; 2nd layer start: we will take down scaffolding and ladder to facilitate bottom layer painting. As long as the artist’s positions don’t clash at any one time, it may be possible for work to continue on both layers throughout, though priority is given to the appropriate layer, and not for the purposes of gaining an unfair advantage in time spent working.

Saturday 15th of July; Finish works! (provisional)

Sunday 16th of July; Unveiling; There will be a free barbeque, loads of prosecco and a musician providing entertainment for the first exhibition and opening of voting.

(provisional) Sunday 6th of August; Prizegiving; We will have another day of prosecco, music and food, where we will give prizes, all money earned up to that point, and other rewards and recognitions. Further details of the competition and judgment below.

6th Aug 2023 – 1st May 2024: Ongoing public voting. All monies collected will be distributed on a monthly basis.

(circa) 1st of May: Destruction of the works (see article 15 below)

4 – Theme/direction; Exploration and Invasion. This phrase is intended to help guide the artist to decide what to create, and also to provide some criteria for the judging panel (details below) and for the public to decide which work they deem most worthy of recognition. This phrase is intentionally very open to interpretation and offers a ying and a yang, a positive and negative. It is not absolutely necessary that any literal or figurative interpretation is directly correlated, though it must be borne in mind that the judges and public will be encouraged to use the theme as a deciding factor.

5 – Competition rules: There will be three concurrent and complimentary systems of determining the ‘winners’. Firstly, there will be a panel of judges composed of experienced local artists who will decide on the overall grand prize winner. The organisers reserve the right to appoint the judging panel. Secondly and thirdly there will be a website (hopefully lockiesartcompetition.ie) and QR codes to be scanned to allow the punlic to vote both freely and with paid-for tokens. The tokens will be 5euro and will be given by the public to the artist of their choice. The monies collected will be given to the artist voted for. Last year we did this manually, but this year through the website we will be able to facilitate BOTH manual and digital paid-voting. The proceeds of which will be collected for first distribution at the time of the prize-giving event and every month thereafter. There will also be a very similar voting system where people can vote with a free vote. Each of these three systems will have their own prizes.

6 – Prizes

10.1: Grand prize: The trophy and a commission to replicate the work permanently in the premises. (further conditions and prizes TBD)

10.2 Paid-vote: Last year with 10 euro tokens and manual voting only lasting through the initial weeks, we took in over 1000 euro and distributed this exactly to the artists voted for with said tokens. This year the website will better facilitate an ongoing attention to the works and appreciation throughout the year.

10.3 Free-vote; We will gather prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in three separate categories(TBD), such as vouchers and art materials, to be given firstly on the night of prize-giving, but again when we restart next year’s competition, the ultimate tally of a year’s vote will determine one more grand prize winner. (certain details TBD, some prizes already accumulating)

7 – The organisers shall commission a professional photographer to take high quality pictures of each piece of work prior to unveiling. This digital copy and one high quality print of each piece will be retained by the company and organisers, as outlined in article 6 above, SOLELY for the purposes of promotion and as a record in years to come. The rights to resale and reproduction of the work reside entirely with the artist. The artists will be given the digital copy as well as a high quality large laminated print of their work. (*We aim to have a facility on the website for ordering prints through the pub, commission free, if the artist wants to do that).

8 – List of materials freely available (not exhaustive)

Paint – blue, yellow, red, white, black, gold, silver, purple, orange

Assorted brushes, sponges, cloths, pencils, rulers and other stationary, spirit level

Paint markers – Huge range of colours

Palates, plastic and paper cups, painting trays

Paper, sketch pad, canvasses, easels (warehouse studio space)

Some spray paints


(please let us know if there any other reasonable materials or equipment that would help)

9 – Places on the walls are distributed right side and left side. The right side features the jukebox, the left wall features a doorway. The positions on the wall of any artist’s work is determined by random draw. It may be permissible with good reason to trade places between two or more willing artists. The random draw has been made and any substitutions will directly occupy the vacant space unless otherwise agreed.

10 – Upstairs in the warehouse will be a studio space and retreat for the artists to go and contemplate, brainstorm, sketch and try paint mixes on canvas and sheets of plasterboard. Any artist involved in the competition has free use of the space for any artistic endeavours they wish to explore in the duration of the main competition. On the first day this is where we will gather to begin.