1 Bekah Brennan, Siege of the gingerbread house2 Claire Fitzsimons, Pints on the moon3 Katelyn Murray, Eye See You4 Charmaine Donnelly5 Saoirse Kavanagh, Heart invader6 Aisling Brown, Lanka7 Adam Dunne, The Hunger8 Jezraka, Moaning Lisa9 Anneke De Jong 10 Michelle Smyth, Holy Niall11 Aoife Brown, The rift12 Shane Clarke, Sassy the Sasquatch13 Eli Ward, Self exploration and letting go of expectations15 Shania Cahill16 Danielle O’Leary De Jong, Invading the mind17 Ania Swistek, The Gardener18 Mima Augustin, When people play God.19 Ben McCabe20 Sky Burns, The future21 @le.borko, The Lost World22 Jordan De Jong, Clarity23 Ailish O’Brien24 Elle O’Reilly, The Rhodonite25 Gullier, Ever divided, Ireland conquered again26 Azraa and Slaine, Rick and Niall adventures through dimensions finding Lockies27 Paul and Lorraine, Kollective28 Simone Clavin, Wish you were here29 Luci Vidal, Feel the fear and do it anyway
2022 Competition
1: Ania Swistek “Octophant”2: Shane Clarke “a day in Lockies”3: Eilish O’Rourke ” adventures of space cow”4: Charmaine Niko “The id, the ego and the supercomputer”5: Aoife Brown6: Niko Lupu7: Adam Dunne 8: Amy Carr “another trip round the sun”10: Levi Tolan11: Amber Moses “Big Tittie Tanaiste”12: Niamh Rogers13: Cathal Brady14: Dorian Bordalo “twerk room”15: Izzy Duignan “Ireland will answer your call”16: Zara Cleary17: Rebecca Brennan “sesh moth”18: A.O.B. “The creation of the sesh”19: Niall Brennan “feeding time”20: Jordan De Jong “a mother’s love”21: Zach Okay “time today”22: Mima Augustin “stop fox hunting”23: Collaboration.9: WINNER Sky Burns “King Henry”